Employee Spotlight_Ricky Weller_Flagger Force

Crew member Ricky Weller represents what Flagger Force seeks in its employees—hard-working, dependable, and safety-minded. Ricky has strengthened Flagger Force’s reputation as a premier traffic-control provider with each client he’s supported and through his mentorship of many employees during his twelve-year career. We’re honored to share the story of someone who’s impacted the lives of many. Read more about Ricky’s story.

Flagger Force: Hi Ricky, thanks for taking time out of your schedule to be with us today.

Ricky Weller: I’m happy to be here.

Flagger Force: You’ve been with the company for a long time, twelve years, in fact! What brought you to Flagger Force?

Ricky: Before I started here, I worked in a grocery warehouse for a little over thirty years. We supplied big grocery store chains. Around 2007, we got bought out. Not long after the sale, we were given notice that they were shutting down the warehouse I worked at. What made me interested in Flagger Force is I don’t mind the outdoors, and I needed a job.

Flagger Force: Being outdoors often attracts people to work at Flagger Force. Do you remember your first day on the job?

Ricky: Yes, I do. It’s funny, I can’t remember the second day or the rest of the week, but my first day stuck with me. My Crew Lead that day was Kevin. He helped me out a lot. We worked in front of Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill, PA, starting around 6:00 a.m. and flagged for close to 10 hours. It was hot, and I struggled because I’d never done anything like it before. I had never been so tired in my life! When a headache hit me by the end of the day, I thought, I’ve seen enough traffic to last me for ten years! Here we are, twelve years later, and I’m still here.

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Flagger Force: What do you like best about your job?

Ricky: I like the relationships I’ve made with the client and my crew leader. I like working with the same client, and it’s nice to know where I’m going day in and day out.

Flagger Force: We’ve heard from the client and many others that you are dependable. Everyone says that when Rick is there, the job is going to be done right. What can you tell us about that?

Ricky: I’m old school, I guess. When I get to the job site, I’m ready to go to work. Get to work on time, you do your job, and then you go home.

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Flagger Force: The way it should be. Over the years working for us, you’ve instilled your work ethic in others, many of whom have been promoted into leadership roles at Flagger Force. Do you enjoy seeing their career growth?

Ricky: For sure! I’ve worked with people who are now area supervisors and field managers and work in the safety department. I don’t know how much I’ve helped these people, but I take pride in seeing them do well. They’ve always treated me well.

Flagger Force: Have you ever thought about being promoted to crew leader?

Ricky: I’m happy with what I’m doing. I remember when the owner and founder, Mike Doner, came to the job site for my 5th anniversary and asked me the same thing. I told him I was happy with my job, and Mike replied, “We need good crew members too.” I said, “Well, that’s me, I guess.”

Flagger Force: You have a great attitude, Ricky. We spoke with one of the client foremen you’ve worked with for several years. We asked what impressed him most about you, and he said, “Ricky is very dependable. In fact, Ricky is requested all the time by the crews at our company. I can’t say enough about him, we’re like family. He’s earned the employee spotlight award—he deserves it.”

Ricky: Wow, I don’t know what to say.

Flagger Force: You’ve made an impact. The client and our crews can rely on you. When there’s a big job, a ton of traffic, and a busy roadway, how do you keep yourself grounded and not overwhelmed?

Ricky: I guess it’s part of my DNA to not get overwhelmed. I try not to get too excited, try not to get too down. If it’s a tough job, you depend on all the people around you to do their job. I don’t get too excited. It doesn’t do you any good.

Flagger Force: In your own words, what skills make a crew member helpful?

Ricky: You need to be a good communicator. Respect the people above you, especially the crew leaders and advanced crew leaders, because they’re looking out for your best interests. If you have input to give them regarding the job you’re working on, you should be able to say it. And just get along with people—it’s a team effort.

Flagger Force: Teamwork makes the dream work.

Ricky: Yep, teamwork is one of the staples of this company.

Flagger Force: It is, and you’ve been part of many crews. How do you navigate different crews?

Ricky: I listen to people and try not to overstep my boundaries. I help and make suggestions. When a new crew member first starts a job, it’s hard to be vocal. I get it; I’ve been through that. I just listen and help where I’m needed.

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Flagger Force: What keeps you here?

Ricky: I like what I’m doing. I’ve learned a lot here and am still learning. My experience here has been good.

Flagger Force: What’s one thing you’ve learned at Flagger Force that you take with you?

Ricky: My safety. I’m aware of my surroundings as much as I can, especially when I’m driving.

Flagger Force: We are a safety-driven company. What’s a parting word of advice you’d like to share?

Ricky: Treat others like you want to be treated.

Flagger Force: That says it all, thanks Ricky.

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